2008/7/1 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Oops! I forgot to check this. Deleted, and rebuilding GDP output > to remove the infraction from that webserver. > > Andrew, sorry about this. We've had this problem before with beautiful > examples; see the mailist archives from... last Dec, I think. Trevor > Baca had a beautiful example from... Rachmaninoff? Unfortunately, it > was still under copyright, so we had to remove it as well. :(
Ravel's Sonatine, which has been PD since January. %%% BEGIN RAVEL %%% \version "2.11.33" \include "english.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 20) \layout { indent = #0 } \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t \new Staff { \time 2/4 \key fs \major << \new Voice { \voiceOne fs''8 ( ^ \markup \column { \line \bold { Un peu retenu } \line \italic { très expressif } } es''16 cs''16 as'4 ) | fs''8 ( es''16 cs''16 as'4 ) | fs''8 ( es''16 cs''16 as'8 cs''8 ) | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo r8 \ppp fs'4 ( es'8 ) | r8 fs'4 ( es'8 ) | r8 fs'4 ( es'8 ) | } >> \clef bass <ds b! es'>4 ( ^ \markup \bold { Rall. } \once \override Script #'padding = #2 <ds' as'>8 ) \fermata \noBeam \clef treble \slurUp <as fs'>8 ( \pp | <gs b cs'>4. ) ^ \markup \bold { a tempo } \slurUp <as fs'>8 ( | <gs b cs'>4. ) << \new Voice { \voiceOne <as fs'>8 ( ^ \markup \bold { Rallentando } | cs'8 b16 cs'16 d'8 e'16 fs'16 | <as! cs' gs'>4. ) s8 | r8 <cs'' as'' cs'''>4 \arpeggio e''16 ( ^ \markup \bold { Lent } fs''16 | \stemDown <as'! cs'' gs''>2 ) | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo s8 | <gs b>4 \< <fs bs>4 \> | s4. \! \slurUp \once \override Script #'direction = #up <a bs e'>8 ( \accent | <as! cs' gs'>4. ) <a' bs'>8 \ppp \> | s8 \! \stemDown \once \override Script #'direction = #up #(set-octavation 1) % \once \override Arpeggio #'extra-offset = #'(-0.25 . 0) <cs''' as''' cs''''>4. \arpeggio \fermata #(set-octavation 0) \bar "|." } >> } \new Staff << \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket \key fs \major \clef bass \new Voice { \voiceOne ds'4 \tenuto cs'4 \tenuto | ds'4 \tenuto cs'4 \tenuto | ds'4 \tenuto cs'4 \tenuto | s8 \clef treble <b' cs''>8 [ \clef bass <es b cs'>8 \fermata ] s8 | r8 \clef treble <b' cs''>4 \tenuto s8 | r8 \clef treble <b' cs''>4 \tenuto s8 | s2 | r8 \clef treble <as' cs''>4 \clef bass s8 | s8 \clef treble <as'>4 \arpeggio \clef bass s8 | s8 \clef treble <as''>4. \arpeggio \fermata | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 cs'8 < ds as >8 ] ) | ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 cs'8 < ds as >8 ] ) | ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 cs'8 < ds as >8 ] ) | \once \override Script #'outside-staff-priority = #100 \once \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = #500 <cs, gs,>4. \fermata _ \markup \italic { ped. } <fs, cs>8 ( | <e, b,>4. ) \sustainDown \clef bass <fs, cs>8 ( \sustainUp | <e, b,>4. ) \sustainDown \clef bass <fs, cs>8 ( \sustainUp | <e, b,>4 <d, a,>4 | <fs,, cs,>4. ) \sustainDown <a, e>8 ( \sustainUp | <fs, cs>4. ) \sustainDown \slurUp <a e'>8 ( \sustainUp \sustainDown | <fs cs'>2 ) \sustainUp \sustainDown | } >> >> _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel