Chapter 3 in the Notation Reference is currently named "Input syntax", but
the contents in the latest revision of the 2.11 docs are much wider than the
name implies and I'd like to change it. The trouble is, the contents are
rather diverse, being mainly the left-overs from chapters 1 & 2.
Suggestions very welcome!
[John: hang on with the translations until we decide this!]
Here's an outline of the current contents of the NR:
1. Musical notation
2. Specialist notation
3. Input syntax
Input structure
Useful concepts and properties
Titles and headers
Working with input files
Controlling output
MIDI output
4. Spacing issues
5. Changing defaults
6. Interfaces for programmers
3. General notation
3. Further notation
3. General concepts
3. General notation and concepts
3. Non-musical notation
3. Miscellaneous topics
Another more radical alternative would be to move "Useful concepts and
properties" into Chapter 5, leaving just input and output topics in Chapter
3, which could then be re-organised as:
3. Input and output files [or some such name]
Input structure
Working with input files
Titles and headers
Controlling output
MIDI output
Would this be better? What might this be called?
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