On 2008/05/19, Valentin Villenave wrote:
> 2008/5/10 John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Excellent! It seems to work on my end.

Applied in git.sv.gnu.org.  Sorry for the delay.

> >Speaking of, Valentin, are you sure you want to delete
> >  old entries for LilyPond report?  If you fear they make release items
> >  disappear too quickly, I can easily hack make-news.py so that it selects
> >  the right 4 entries to be displayed on the home page.
> This isn't a decision I can take on my own; I need some advice on this.

My original thought was, it's not a good idea to delete news items; OTOH
it's not good either if last release news item disappears from top 4
(probably because of the bunch of more frequent Report items, but not
only).  Unless somebody complains, please don't delete LilyPond report
items, I'll add a rule in make-news.py to keep at least one release item
in top 4 as soon as it's necessary.


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