On 2008/05/05, Till Rettig wrote: 
> Hi John
> I got a failure notice while building the documentation on master with 
> my updated de.po file, so I don't know if it is that the new build 
> scripts with those comments are only in lilypond/translation so far or 
> is there a mistake in my translation. I guess the first is the case but 
> before I push something wrong could you quickly review the patch and apply?

You needn't ask for review documentation changes on
lilypond/translation, just push them, and if I'm too busy to fix build
failures myself, be sure I'll complain! :-)

The only failure that can be caused by a PO file is its compilation with
msgfmt, so you can certify that a PO file won't cause build failure by
runnning msgfmt on that file, or using the validation feature of Emacs
or KBabel.

The failure you got happened because I merged master into
lilypond/translation at a state where docs compilation breaks at many
places (regtests, bad [relative] usage, etc.), which I just discovered
when building lilypond/translation this morning.  In this case, just
fast-forward or merge latest master into lilypond/translation yourself
and push to lilypond/translation on git.sv.gnu.org.


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