Le 6 avr. 08 à 11:05, Valentin Villenave a écrit :
- I need some suggestions on how to document \markuplines vs \markup.
The question behind it being: Nicolas, is the \markuplines syntax
likely to change? e.g. could, at some point, \markuplines be included
in \markup blocks? Is \markuplines a superset to \markup, or is it the
other way around? etc.
\markup "returns" a markup.
\markuplines "returns" a list of markups.
When \markup is found at top-level, the markup is added to the list of
scores and markups that compose the book.
When \markuplines is found at top-level, the markups are added to the
list of scores and markups that composes the book, with their inter
padding and spacing set to 0 (so that the text is never vertically
Now, \markuplines can only be used at top-level (it does not make
sense in a text script for instance). However, markup-lists (what
\markuplines deals with) already existed before \markuplines was
created: this is what \line or \column use as their argument. What
was created however together with \markuplines is markup-list
commands, ie commands that return a list of markups, whereas markup
commands return a single markup. You can define a markup-list command,
and use it in a regular \markup expression:
#(define-markup-list-command (wordwrap-center-lines layout props args)
"Returns a list of "
(map (lambda (stencil)
(interpret-markup layout props (markup #:fill-line (#:stencil
(interpret-markup-list layout props (make-wordwrap-lines-markup-
list args))))
#(define-markup-command (wordwrap-center layout props args) (markup-
(interpret-markup layout props
(make-wordwrap-center-lines-markup-list args))))
c'^\markup \override #'(line-width . 20)
\wordwrap-center { A long text rendered as short, centered lines. }
In this example, \wordwrap-center builds a markup by stacking the
centered lines built by \wordwrap-center-lines with all the words
the constitutes its arguments.
The syntax is unlikely to change.
If I may, is it really necessary to have *two* different \markup and
\markuplines commands?
yes (considering how markups are currently internally represented).
Would it be possible to implement \markuplines features in \markup
no (considering how markups are currently internally represented).
Let me answer by an analogy:
The staves of a system should not be sepearated one from each other.
The result of \markup is like a system: consisting of elements that
should stay together. However, several systems may be sepearated by
a page break. The result of \markuplines is like a list of systems:
they may spread over several pages.
Nevertheless. Currently, markups are internally represented as a list
of a markup command and its arguments:
\markup { Hello world! }
(list line-markup (list "Hello" "word!"))
That is, no property can be specified for a particular markup. Maybe,
if they were objects capable of holding some properties (eg. markup-
next-padding, etc), we could get rid off \markuplines.
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