I have no inside information about this, but my reading of the description in the IR is that the thickness of the ledger line is determined as the sum of two parts:

ledger-line-thickness = the value of line-thickness * the first number + the value of staff-space * the second number.

The default value is line-thickness * 1.0 + staff-space * 0.1. The staff spacing itself is not influenced by these numbers, but can be changed as the staff-space property of StaffSymbol (but this will also change the spacing of all staff lines, not just ledger lines).

Trevor D

----- Original Message ----- From: "till Rettig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 4:34 PM
Subject: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

could somebody explain me how ledger-line-thickness behaves? The IR states that it should be a pair:

"ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
The thickness of ledger lines. It is the sum of 2 numbers: The first is the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both contributions are added. "

But I cannot get the staff space bigger (the second number), instead the first number influences the thickness of the ledger line a bit, the second quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost disappear.
Please compare the example:

\new Staff \with {
 \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness  = #' ( 1 . .1 )
 d d d d
} }

\new Staff \with {
 \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . 1 )
 d d d d
} }

\new Staff \with {
 \override StaffSymbol #'  ledger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . .1 )
 d d d d
} }

\new Staff \with {
 \override StaffSymbol #'  ledger-line-thickness = #' ( 1 . 1 )
 d d d d
} }

What am I missing here? How is this supposed to work?
I was on 2.11.34, if it matters.

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