If you check carefully what line number LilyPond complains about,
you'll probably notice that it's the \layout block within the \book
block. As the following small example shows, it not related to
if you have any \paper block or not.


{c d e f R1*5 }

\layout{\context{\Score skipBars = ##t } }

What's even worse is that the layout block is completely ignored.
I have no idea about why this limitation exists in the syntax and
there doesn't seem to be any syntax available to specify a
\layout setting that applies to all \score:s in one \book but not
to the other \book:s. If you only have a single \score in every
\book, then the simple solution is to include the \layout within
the \book block. Also, if the same layout setting should apply
to all book blocks in the file, then you can move it to the top level of the file.

Can any of the main hackers clarify this issue?


Ben Lewis wrote:

When running Lilypond, I'm continually getting a notice about a \paper { ... } block, when I have one at the top of my document. I'm preparing a file with multiple \book { ... } sections, each with a \layout { ... } block. Is there something special about this that I need to know?

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        Signal Processing
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        Royal Institute of Technology
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