Hi Graham, hi Mats,

sorry for not having answered for a few days, I have been pretty busy
learning how to use NSIS -- besides I haven't slept nor eaten for the
last three days, so I guess a short holiday will be appreciated now :)

So, about the scheme/tuplets thing:

2007/12/12, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> A few general comments:
> - the LM is changing, so Scheme may or may not be introduced in
>   it.

It's an interesting question. I have mixed feelings here, so i'm
looking forward to see what will be decided.

> - if possible, don't change existing stuff, since that means that
>   I have to figure out if the change is good or not.  I'd much
>   rather simply see new examples.  Comments like
> @c this example is not obsolete
>   are much preferable than deleting the example.

??? AFAIK I didn't delete any example in the patch I sent you; my
whole point was precisely to *add* explanations and examples.

> Could you try making a second patch?

Frankly, this was just a wild shot. I much prefer to wait for a few
months; plus I'm convinced that the GDP helpers will probably have
better ideas.
For now, I'll just focus on the LSR again (John had talked about
localizing it; I'll write him to see if he's still willing to do it).

> On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 14:04:48 +0100
> Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I hope you realize that the first attempt to introduce music
> > functions in the manual
> > are not in this chapter, but in "Advanced tweaks with Scheme" in the
> > LM.

Oh yes; sorry for not having noticed it.

By the way, what's the final call for renaming \times into \tuplet? (if any)


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