2007/12/19, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The source code of the current lilypad application can be found in
> http://lilypond.org/download/gub-sources/lilypad-0.0.7-1-src.tar.bz2

Thank you for answering Mats; I finally found them a month ago or so.
I used the gub sources for my little hobby named "EasyLilypond" (I've
just posted about it on -user).

> As you can see from the README file, it's based on an old copy of the
> source code for the "notepad" program from the Wine (www.winehq.org)
> project. For example, I noted in the change log for the corresponding
> Wine code, that the "Find" feature had been implemented after Jan
> branched off the lilypad version (as was seen in a recent bug report),
> so just merging with a recent version from Wine will probably improve
> the program significantly.

It could; however this NotePad-like is still a very austere editor. I
do think that we should consider improving the first feeling of new
Window users -- hence my Easy-thingy idea.

Adding basic syntax-highlighting features in Lilypad would not make
the standard mingw distribution considerably heavier.
Several weeks ago (before I got drugged with NSIS), I've been looking
for a way to make a lightweight Scintilla-based enhanced Lilypad
editor; this would definitely be a very nice solution (plus, it would
be lighter than the three lilypad+lilypad-unicode+lilypad-ascii
executables). I'm not skilled enough to code it all by myself yet, but
I'm such a megalomaniac geek that I'll give it a try anyway :)


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