Just as Rune, I'm not a native English speaker, but what about
renaming at least the section title to something like
"Full Measure Rests". The name of the LilyPond graphical object
isn't that critical.


Quoting Rune Zedeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Paul Scott skrev:
What about renaming MultiMeasureRest to MeasureRest?
In English the first has the clear meaning of more than one measure while the second fairly clearly means one measure rest.

I am quite bad in english, so I really do not know.
Even if the wordings are equally bad I would still prefer MeasureRest. If you are looking for a way to typeset a one measure rest you probably will not read the section about "multi measure rest". If, otoh, you are looking for a way to typeset a rest over several measures, I guess that you would read a section about "measure rests".
But I agree that this argument is not enough for a "grand renaming operation"

MeasuresRest might work.

Hmm, I don't like that.
Difficult to pronounce, and a hard-to-remember names that is out-of-line with the naming of the other objects in lilypond (after all, we do not talk about StaffsGroups, do we? :-) )


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