2007/12/4, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Could we remove all discussion about x11-color from the docs?  We
> currently have three different methods of setting the color:
> #'color
> #(x11-color ...)
> #(rgb-color r g b)
> My impression is that people who just want basic colors will use
> #'color, while anybody who wants more control would go straight to
> #(rgb-color ...).  The X11 colors are annoying to use, since you need to
> look up the names in the appendix, then run some examples to decide
> whether you want

>         MediumTurquoise
>         MediumAquamarine
>         SeaGreen
>         LawnGreen

These are silly, but I think that there is use in some of the more
descriptive names (olive, darkgreen, etc.).  Is there a way for us to
find out how often they are used? Perhaps the include could be made

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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