When I get the latest git release and build it on my system, the build seems to 
go fine.

However, when I try to process an input file that contains  a key signature 
other than c \major, I get the following warnings:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hallelujah2]$ local-lilypond keytest.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.11.34
Processing `keytest.ly'
Interpreting music... 
keytest.ly:1518:0: warning: No ordering for key signature alterations

\key g \major
Preprocessing graphical objects...
keytest.ly:1518:0: warning: No glyph found for alteration: 1/2

\key g \major
keytest.ly:1518:0: warning: No glyph found for alteration: 1/2

\key g \major
warning: No glyph found for alteration: 1/2
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `keytest.ps'...
Converting to `keytest.pdf'...

and the key signature is missing from the first line of the music (but it shows 
up on subsequent lines).

When I run the same file on the downloaded binary, I get no errors, and 
everything works as desired.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hallelujah2]$ /usr/local/bin/lilypond keytest.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.11.34
Processing `keytest.ly'
Interpreting music... 
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `keytest.ps'...
Converting to `keytest.pdf'...

Here's the code, straight from the manual on key signatures:

% ****************************************************************
% Start cut-&-pastable-section 
% ****************************************************************

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  indent = 0\mm
  line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in
  ragged-right = ##t
  force-assignment = #""
  line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.000000))

\layout {

\relative c''

% ****************************************************************
% ly snippet contents follows:
% ****************************************************************
\sourcefileline 1517
\key g \major

% ****************************************************************
% end ly snippet
% ****************************************************************
\version "2.11.34"

My system is a new installation of fedora 7, with all the dependencies fixed, 
as far as I could see from configure.  

Any suggestions on how I can troubleshoot this problem?


Carl Sorensen

lilypond-devel mailing list

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