On 9/14/07, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 14. September 2007 schrieb Trevor Bača:
> > How about this slight reshuffling for the second "box"?
> >
> >          o 1.8 Chord names
> >          o 1.9 Piano music
> >          o 1.10 Percussion
> >          o 1.11 Guitar
> >          o 1.12 Other instrument-specific notation
> >          o 1.14 Ancient notation
> >          o 1.15 Vocal music
> Why is Vocal music after Ancient notation and other instrument-specific
> notation?

I think (though I'm not sure) that Graham was wanting to have vocal
come right before text. But I can't remember now if I'm making that up
or not.

> I would use the following order:
>           o 1.8 Piano music
>           o 1.9 Chord names
>           o 1.10 Vocal music
>           o 1.11 Guitar
>           o 1.12 Percussion
>           o 1.13 Other instrument-specific notation
>           o 1.14 Ancient notation
> The idea: Piano music is the traditional notation, chor-names are a
> simplification for simple accompanyment.
> Choirs and also modern pieces need lyrics together, so that's the
> next-important piece. Guitar and percussion are not so common any more, and
> after that follows the rest.

Hm ... it gives me a little cognitive dissonance putting vocal music
in the middle of the instrumental sequence. Maybe I'm imagining things
here, but it seems that people frequently make a [vocal /
instrumental] distinction; ie, I think some people may feel that vocal
music isn't instrumental music. Does anyone else get this feeling (in
English), ie, that vocal music isn't really instrumental music?

I'm also not a fan of chord names coming in the middle of the
instrument sequence ... chord names aren't instrument specific in any

If we want ancient to come last (which seems nice) then maybe this
putting vocal before the instrumental sequence:

>           o 1.8 Vocal music
>           o 1.9 Piano music
>           o 1.10 Guitar
>           o 1.11 Percussion
>           o 1.12 Other instrument-specific notation
>           o 1.13 Chord names
>           o 1.14 Ancient notation

The idea: vocal --> instrumental --> chords --> old. Actually, maybe
even tighter to banish chord names to the educational use section up
above (1.7)? Then we would have ...

>           o 1.8 Vocal music
>           o 1.9 Piano music
>           o 1.10 Guitar
>           o 1.11 Percussion
>           o 1.12 Other instrument-specific notation
>           o 1.13 Ancient notation

... which I really like ... vocal --> instrumental --> old. But that
may break Graham's constraint about having vocal proximal to text ...

Trevor Bača
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