Am Donnerstag, 13. September 2007 schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys:
> +    # Allow the user to leave out the .xml on the filename
> +    filename = get_existing_filename_with_extension (args[0], "xml")
> +    if not os.path.exists (filename):
> +        print "Unable to find input file %s" % args[0]
> print is being deprecated in python 2.6; better use
>   sys.stderr.write()

Okay. I better use the progress(...) function, which does exactly that..

> +        if filename[-1] == '.':
> +            filename += "xml"
> +        elif not re.match ("\.xml$", filename):
> +            filename += ".xml"
> this looks a bit strange.
> Do you mean a boolean or here?

No, I'm checking the filename and appending .xml if it's not there (or only 
xml if the filename already ends in a "."). The logic is:

If file with given filename exists => Use that filename

If not exists: 
append "xml" if it ends in a dot (because of shell auto-completion) or 
append ".xml" if it does not end in .xml, either.

> -        d.duration_log = mxl_note.get_duration_log ()
> +        duration_log = mxl_note.get_duration_log ()
> +        if duration_log:
> +            d.duration_log = mxl_note.get_duration_log ()
> +        else:
> would it be good to print a warning for this? Perhaps you could also
> mark the note in the .ly file.

I think I found the problem (I had it with a 40.000 lines musicxml scan, so it 
was not so easy to find the culprit): Grace notes don't have any duration 
set. As long as musicxml2ly does not convert grace notes, it's probably best 
to write out a warning (and even after that, whenever such a case occurs, 
it's apparently a bug in musicxml2ly).

> +# empty
> +
> +# UGH UGH
> +include $(make-dir)/lilypond-vars.make
> +
> why is this needed?

mainly because the binaries are defined there...

> also, if you feel adventurous, you could look into getting the
> musicxml files into the regtest; I'll have a look at it when possible,
> but it will probably be end of september earliest.

The main problem I ran into was how to create pdfs from the .ly files. I had 
hoped that simply giving the .pdf files as targets would build the .ly files 
from the .xml and then the .pdf from .ly, but apparently I'm missing 
something in the makefiles for this to work.

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",

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