2007/9/7, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi folks,
> Apparently adding tags to LSR is much, much easier than I thought it
> would be.

Great! Awesome! Super-super cool!

That's excellent news.

>  While Sebastiano is adding tags, is there anything special he
> should do about tags?

The whole point is: snippets have to accept as many tags as we want.
We should be able to use existing tags (maybe in a menu just like the
Directories menu we already have) as well as creating new tags when

My idea is that multiple tags could reflect the section and
subsections in the manual: for instance, a polyphonic guitar example
could be tagged as Instrument-specific, Guitar, Polyphony, etc. This
way, it would be much, much easier to add links in the manual.

Plus, the LSR home page could contain linked tags, not as a
(fashionable, buzzword-compliant but useless) "tag cloud" but rather
organized in Directories... in addition to the serach box, which is
absolutely mandatory.

(by the way, we will need a @lsrtag TeXinfo command)

> I've asked that snippets be placed in directories like our current
> system; that way, there's no loss of functionality.  Some people have
> talked about dynamic HTML + javascript + magic wands  in the lilypond
> html docs to do tag-searching stuff for offline doc browsing: do you
> have any requests for Sebastiano?

This would be great. IIRC, the LSR already contains stuff like that:
I often wish stuff like that could find its way into the official manual.

Oh, I should mention that there's been some bugs with the search
function (the wrong images, the wrong snippets tend to appear).

Anyway: This is totally awesome!


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