On Monday 02 July 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am also interested in the research in tuning systems other than equal
> temperament, which allows unusual frequency ratios to be heard in chords
> and melodies, which gives composers new possibilities to explore. See also
> http://www.midicode.com/tunings/index.shtml for a review of the basic
> concepts. Regarding the notation, I wonder why we don't simply use a
> numerical notation i.e. a fraction as the accidental representing the
> frequency ratio from a reference pitch.


did you read this?

Regarding MIDI output, lily's midi output is, AFAIK, mainly meant for 
prooflistening purposes. Hence, it's probably a low priority task to add 
advanced microtonal support (such as your #4 and #5) to lily midi output. I 
would guess that e.g. glissando output would be a more useful addition.


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