> I am currently working with a cataloging project at the British  
> Library which is recording all musical manuscripts between the years  
> 1600 and 1800, I have developed an application for them to data input  
> and manage the manuscripts.  The information supplied with each  
> manuscript sometimes comes with an "incipit" for the beginning of the  
> music.  Here is an example of an entire incipit pulled from the  
> record for Sonata 1 by Johann Sebastian Bach:
> ''4G{3G FbEDC'BA5 BG}{8GxF+}{3FEDEFGA''5C'B}/''8{C+3C5DC'3B''C} 
> {6.Ct'5B''C6D'A}'' 8G'3-{G5AB''CD}{8b E'B}/{6BA''bED}8-{BxF} 
> {6D3DbEDC'B''5C'A}{3BxFGDbE''5DC'B''CC'B''C}/
> I would like to convert this to Lily textual notation so that Lily  
> can then reproduce it in musical notation so regular users of the web  
> catalogue can just click a link and run this up into Lilypond.  My  

If you provide the syntax rules for the record I might be able to help
you. Will the archive be publically searchable or is just for thoose
who have a subcription?


Karl Hammar                    Aspö Data               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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