Putting these into the path would also not help.
- you can not run convert-ly.py
- you must use python convert-ly.py - But if you do, you must say:
python "c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\convert-ly.py" So you didn't
gain much.
Still I don't see it is useful.
Perhaps we should look at the possibilities of packaging LilyPond with
JEdit + Java + LilyPondTool. Actually Java license allows to distribute
the runtime with your application, jEdit is GPL. Neither Java, nor jEdit
needs anything written to the registry to work, they just can be zipped
together. So we could make a directory structure like this:
Program Files
- LilyPond
-- usr
-- bin
-- java
--- bin
---- javaw.exe
-- jedit
--- jars
---- LilyPondTool.jar
---- Console.jar
---- ...
And make a shortcut that runs:
c:\Program Files\LilyPond\java\bin\javaw.exe -jar c:\Program
The download size would not be small:
LilyPond 18MB
jEdit 2MB
jEdit plugins 15MB
Java runtime 24MB
That is 59MB.
Since midi2ly, lilypond-book and the other utility scripts are not
via any graphical interface.
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