> I don't really know how to say this... thank you for cleaning up the
> formatting in input/lsr/... but those files are generated
> automatically from http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/

:-)  No problem.

> We're still working on formatting issues -- I tend to send one email
> to Sebastiano each day; the latest issue was automatically escaping
> @[EMAIL PROTECTED] for the texidoc strings.

Uh.  Those braces are completely irritating!

> We might even replace { with @code{ just to make it work nicer with
> lilypond,

This is the way to go for inclusion with lilypond IMHO

> although I'm not certain what to do about snippets that use HTML for
> descriptions.  (currently we strip away all the HTML tags)

They should be converted to texinfo format, probably manually.

> When I get a chance, I'll edit all those files in LSR to include the
> fixes you've made.

I don't care.  In case it's necessary, just drop or ignore them.


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