Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
I simply used pencil and paper, drawing by hand, and guessing control
points. Then, a lot of tweaking makes the glyph look OK.
Although this is harder at first, it makes a more logical to design
a true MetaFont, one whose parameters (eg. thickness) can be varied
Does this mean you had the painted glyph beside you and then started
doing somehting similar looking with metafont commands?
You could trace the scans, and then Simplify the curve, and use that
as a starting point for the meta font.
So far I am not clear about the cooperation of the different programms
and formats; that is I haven't figured out which program could do the
tracing job and in which form I would get them then into mf-format (so
its maybe more a question about formats: which program reads what...)
I simply read the mfbook cover to cover. It's available online, BTW.
The online version misses then some of the graphical samples, as I get
it, since there is too much unknown to me to get it translated in some
kind of printout.
Then about the single parts of the font (now for some white and black
mensural notation): I will create noteheads and stems extra, but since
the stems in some cases will have a form like the stem from the ! sign
(bigger at top), they won't fit together with the flags. So should there
be a separate flag + stem or rather a stem-flag combination?
I don't understand this question.
See the email from Juergen, I thought the stems would be glyphs that are
combined with the other symbols. But since stems are drawn directly, I
don't have to design them seperately. So I will just make some flags
that will get asserted to the stem.
And still the idea about introducing some variability to mimick the
handscribe, that is to have about four or five slightly different glyphs
that would be used in arbitrary order. Is something like this possible
in lilypond?
it's possible, but I think it's not a good idea. If you want things to look
crummy, you can always write them by hand?
Well, I don't mean ugly in that way, instead to insert something like
livelyness. But I gave up the idea about different glyphs so far. My
best argument would be though that I would like to be able to get
different editions from one text, just with minor changes. So jsut
change the preamble definitions (inserted by a external file) and you
get either a modern edition, a kind of modern mensural style version or
a version that resembles a handwritten source of the time you copy the
music from.
Thanks so far!
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