That's expected behaviour and standard typesetting practice. On long melismas, LilyPond will add a number of regularly spaced hyphens to indicate that the melisma is still ongoing.
Apparently, the length of the melisma in your example is just at the borderline
between getting one and two hyphens. I can't explain why the spacing changes slightly with the pitch, but that seems to be the case here. If you use \layout { ragged-rigth = ##t } then the melisma will be short enough to only get a single hyphen. /Mats Alberto Sala wrote:
Hi everyone! In the following fragment of music, Lilypond prints a double hyphen on the last note of the slur. \version "2.10.0" MusicaUno = \relative c'' { e8. e16 e4 d8. d16 d8 d d4( c) b b } Parole = \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e, Ky -- ri -- e e -- lei -- son, e } \score { << \new Voice = musicone { \MusicaUno } \new Lyrics \lyricsto musicone \Parole >> \layout { } } It's a strange behaviour, in fact it happens with last note of slur being "c" "f" or "g" but not with "e" "a" or "b". Thank you for your reply. Alberto _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list
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