On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 13:44:10 +0100
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If anything, I think we should be looking to remove the optional
> > pitch argument, and force people to specify the octave in the first
> > note
> Yes, I agree.  But I think we can explain that when we get to octave
> entry, and should fake it in the first few snippets.
> Jan.

No, explain immediately. I am afraid simplification chases people away
when they find out how much more there is to musicwriting. When you go
from complex to simple you will get more acceptance and positive thinking.

Like this: give a complete example (below) along with a simple example
(\absolute f' f' c'' c'' d'' d'' c''2), then the simple minimum example will
look soothing and appealing (:-) I know there isn't an "\absolute", that
was just to emphasize that it does not look that bad giving full pitch
identification every time, in some cases (chords) it is even more

Here is the list for a complete start: 

Title and subtitle or work-catalogue number,
Year or link to bibliography
Time signature, 
Text-tempo (or character, as I would say, like "Allegro con brio")
   And as a minimum snippet some music and rests, preferably:
Notes in
  Half bar,
  Full bar,
  possibly Chords,
  Prima Volta/Secunda,

Repetition mark,
End bar mark(s), line break, right adjusted margin and page break.


Maybe I forgot something like cue notes and Bartok-Pizz :-) but these
were the minimum for any professional orchestral voice and even more so
for e.g. piano scores when I made a living writing ink-voices.

I saw the new comparisons and changelog for 2.11 or something, impressive,
even if I sometimes wonder where can I get true note ink (has to be something
which you can remove with a knife) I rapidly hear an inner voice saying:

    "Lilypond will give a much better result!"

Regards and Happy New Year and one more THANKS for Lilypond,

     Donald Axel
     (Mutopia: Chopin op.28.1/2)

http://d-axel.dk/ -- http://d-axel.dk/pub/music/ -- Donald Axel

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