We have finished the first version of the LilyPond singing support using
the Festival speech synthesis system.  On the user side it works
somewhat similarly to MIDI output: The user inserts a special LilyPond
command to lyrics places he wants to sing and by processing the .ly
file(s) and calling Festival he receives a synthesized song.  Emacs
support is provided to help to sing parts of the source file, possibly
accompanied by the MIDI output.  The whole thing is primarily intended
to serve blind and visually impaired users for checking correct
placement and notation of lyrics in the LilyPond files they prepare.

Here is a patch against LilyPond 2.11.2:

Attachment: singing-computer.patch.gz
Description: Binary data

Please note current Festival version contains bugs and lacks some
features preventing to synthesize the generated XML files.  Appropriate
patches are available in
http://cvs.freebsoft.org/repository/singing-computer.tar.gz?view=tar .
You can also find a README file there containing usage information etc.


Milan Zamazal
lilypond-devel mailing list

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