Eyolf Ostrem wrote:
I sent this to the lilypond-devel list, but it doesn't seem to have come through.

Thanks!  However...  (see below)

10.5.1 Setting global staff size:

To set the global staff size, use set-global-staff-size.
      #(set-global-staff-size 14)
This sets the global default size to 14pt staff height and scales all fonts

... this has already been done.

Note that if you also change the default font family for the entire document,
as described in 8.1.7 Font selection, some extra steps are needed.

Could you check the current manual about this tidbit? I confess that I don't understand the font stuff, and since there's some uncertainty over how recent these suggestions are, I'd like some extra confirmation that this is good info to add.

8.1.7 Font selection:

It is also possible to change the default font family for the entire
 document. This is done by calling the make-pango-font-tree from within the
 \paper block. The function takes names for the font families to use for
 roman, sans serif and monospaced text. For example,

\paper {
   myStaffSize = #20
   #(define fonts
      (make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
                                  "Nimbus Sans"
                                  "Luxi Mono"
                                   (\myStaffSize 20)))

This info is also already in the manual.

myStaffSize is a random variable name; any name can be used (such as 'bolg'
 in the example below).
"20" in the last line should not be changed (unless you specifically want to
alter the proportion between notes and staves); it is a hard-coded default
value against which all other font size modifications are measured.

Note that changes to the Pango font tree do not go well together with changes
involving set-global-staff-size (see 10.5.1). If you change the global staff
size, you should change myStaffSize to the same value.


#(set-global-staff-size 14)


\paper {
   bolg = #14
   #(define fonts
      (make-pango-font-tree "Garamond"
                            "Gill Sans"
                            "Lucida Console"
                            (\bolg 20)))

This info is not in the manual, but could you confirm that this is good (current, necessary, etc) info to add?

(There also seemed to be a typo in the last line of the pango tree - it has
 (/ myStaffSize 20); I assume it should be \myStaffSize)

Interesting; I simply assumed that it was a mathematical construct -- myStaffSize divided by 20.

Thanks again for your efforts to improve the manual; sorry for this confusion. I've cc'd the -devel list; as long as you keep me on the CC list of your emails, I should get your responses even if -devel doesn't.

- Graham

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