> ... when you convert a vector of boxes into a skyline,

`vector'?  You mean a bunch of boxes, right :-)

> you can pass a "horizon-padding" parameter x. This causes
> - each box to be expanded by x in both directions
> - on each side of the newly expanded box, we add a sloped piece of
>   roof. The width of this piece is x and the angle is 45 degrees.

Hmm.  This means that

       |   |
       |   |

becomes essentially

       /       \
      |         |
      |         |
       \       /

right?  If you say `expanded by x' do you mean x/2 on each side?

> I should mention that, unlike max-slope, horizon-padding can be
> passed grob-by-grob with calls to Skyline::insert (whereas max-slope
> was global for the whole skyline).

Example, please.


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