
I've decided to write a howto for setting up GUB for developing lily, mostly 
because I need to learn how to work efficiently with GUB (too much of my dev 
time is wasted because I use gub in the wrong way). I will put the howto on 
the lilypond wiki; an initial stub is available at:

The target audience is people who (like me) are not very familiar with git or 
gub, and want to hack lily.

I think there will be a few steps in the howto:
0. set up GUB initially (I don't have to write anything, the gub README is 
1. create an alternative git branch master-foo, for developing a new feature.
2. set up gub to generate an additional binary lilypond-foo in addition to the 
normal lilypond binary. lilypond-foo is built from the lilypond-foo branch, 
and uses the --enable-debugging and --disable-optimisation parameters 
to ./configure.
3. everyday development process: modify source, make; test, debug; commit 
locally; make download, git-rebase.
4. how to submit changes: git-diff / git-push

The main reason why I want to write this, is that I don't know how to do 
everything properly (in particular I don't know how to do point 2). Whenever 
there's something I don't know, I will start with an (unqualified) guess, so 
the information on the howto may be misleading at first. Any help is 


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