
gub seems to use the system's native git instead of the one in 
target/local/system/usr/bin/. This gives an error, since my version of git 
(1.4.1) doesn't support the --git-dir flag:

$ make all
executing pipe 
git --git-dir /media/hda2/home/erik/lily/gub/new-gub/downloads/lilypond.git 
ls-tree --name-only -r master-repo.or.cz-lilypond.git
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test-lily/dist-check.py", line 127, in ?
    main ()
  File "test-lily/dist-check.py", line 122, in main
    check_files (tarball, repo)
  File "test-lily/dist-check.py", line 91, in check_files
    entries = repo.all_files ()
  File "lib/repository.py", line 344, in all_files
    str = self.git_pipe ('ls-tree --name-only -r %(branch)s' % locals ())
  File "lib/repository.py", line 286, in git_pipe
    return self.read_pipe ('%(gc)s %(cmd)s' % locals ())
  File "lib/misc.py", line 24, in read_pipe
    raise SystemFailed ("Pipe failed: %s" % cmd)
misc.SystemFailed: Pipe failed: 
git --git-dir /media/hda2/home/erik/lily/gub/new-gub/downloads/lilypond.git 
ls-tree --name-only -r master-repo.or.cz-lilypond.git
make[1]: *** [unlocked-dist-check] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/media/hda2/home/erik/lily/gub/new-gub'
make: *** [dist-check] Error 2


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