On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, Juergen Reuter wrote:
* Section 7.7.7: The "episem" articulation does not appear (there should
be a horizontal line above the three last noteheads). In 2.7.x, the
right ending was badly placed; now the episem is completely invisible.
Also, the text scripts are colliding (but that is not really an ancient
notation issue); they did not collide in 2.7.x.
There are obviously multiple bugs behind this one, which are not easy to
fix. In particular, the TextSpanner under certain circumstances produces
lines with strange end points. If the line is (should be) quite short, it
is not at all displayed.
For the moment, I have tuned the figure in Sect. 7.7.7 such that the
episem is displayed (still with bad right ending) and added an appropriate
comment to the @refbugs paragraph (patch attached).
Graham, what do you think, should this patch be applied? Without this
patch, the reader of the documentation immediately sees that there must be
something wrong but is left alone, as the figure does not show what is
explained in the text. With the attached patch, the reader will
(hopefully) see that episem to some extent works (to the same extent as in
the lily 2.7.x series), but there is an explanation in the @refbugs
paragraph that states that the episem feature is rather buggy.
Of course, I would like to get this bug fixed, but it looks like I would
have to rewrite major parts of TextSpanner and LineSpanner.
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5391
diff -u -r1.5391 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog 9 Oct 2006 14:14:42 -0000 1.5391
+++ ChangeLog 9 Oct 2006 15:52:03 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2006-10-09 Jürgen Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ * Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely: Tune Ancient
+ Articulations figure, such that the episem actually shows.
2006-10-09 Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* ly/generate-documentation.ly: update option name.
Index: Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -r1.106 instrument-notation.itely
--- Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely 27 Aug 2006 06:54:06
-0000 1.106
+++ Documentation/user/instrument-notation.itely 9 Oct 2006 15:52:03
@@ -2911,11 +2911,11 @@
\override TextScript #'font-family = #'typewriter
\override TextScript #'font-shape = #'upright
\override Script #'padding = #-0.1
- a4\ictus_"ictus" s1
- a4\circulus_"circulus" s1
- a4\semicirculus_"semicirculus" s1 s
- a4\accentus_"accentus" s1
- \[ a4_"episem" \episemInitium \pes b \flexa a \episemFinis \]
+ a\ictus_"ictus" \break
+ a\circulus_"circulus" \break
+ a\semicirculus_"semicirculus" \break
+ a\accentus_"accentus" \break
+ \[ a_"episem" \episemInitium \pes b \flexa a b \episemFinis \flexa a \]
@end lilypond
@@ -2925,6 +2925,10 @@
Some articulations are vertically placed too closely to the
correpsonding note heads.
+The episem line is not displayed if its length is shorter than the
+width of roughly 4 note heads. The right end of the episem line is
+often too far to the right.
@node Custodes
@subsection Custodes
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