I'm sure others are more competent to answer your question, but
I would suspect that it's fairly easy to add such support by just
adding some Scheme code. A first step could be to define
a markup command that draws the tablature, similar to the
current support for fret diagrams. Then, you could make a
music function that takes a melody as input and adds the
corresponding markup commands as text scripts to the notes.
(A more ambituous alternative could be to make a separate
context where the tablature is typeset, something like the
support for figured bass or chord names.)


Martin Norbäck wrote:

I have an urge to create xaphoon tablature in lilypond. See
http://xaphoon.com/XaphoonSheetMusic/index.htm for an example of how it looks.

My question is simple: how easy would it be for me to implement it, and where
should I start looking in the source code.



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