On Monday 18 September 2006 12:46, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The attached patch cleans up music functions:
> > - functions can have any arity, and parameters can be mixed in any way.
> > - implementation: A music function generates a sequence of tokens, so
> > e.g. a (markup? music? scm?) function generates tokens MUSIC_FUNCTION
> > EXPECT_SCM EXPECT_MUSIC EXPECT_MARKUP. After that it's easy to write a
> > grammar to parse the argument list.
> > - there is still a restriction on 'event functions': A function can only
> > be applied to a post-event or chord-element if the function has exactly
> > one music parameter, and if that parameter is last. If this rule is
> > violated, there will be confusing parser errors ("unexpected
> > EXPECT_MUSIC") due my implementation, but I also added an error message
> > which describes the problem in English.
> IIRC, this patch is still pending. Can you have a look at integrating this?

I tried some days ago. A problem is that I still couldn't make web completely, 
even without the patch. 

I also have an updated patch for my translator patch, which is as well-tested. 
Both patches are attached.

I'm also working on a big parser patch that implements music macros, I'll 
return to that later (there are some nonobvious design decisions to make).

The file that broke 'make web' was regression/markup-note.ly. Last ChangeLog 
entry was from Mats, dated 2006-09-15. I could minimise the problem to the 
following snippet:

#(set! toplevel-music-handler
  (lambda (p m)
         p (scorify-music m p))))

\relative c''
  c4^\markup {
    \note #"1" #1
    \note #"2" #1
    \note #"4" #1
    \note #"8" #1
    \note #"16" #1
    \note #"32" #1
    \note #"64" #1

    \note #"1" #-1
    \note #"2" #-1
    \note #"4" #-1
    \note #"8" #-1
    \note #"16" #-1
    \note #"32" #-1
    \note #"64" #-1

    \note #"1." #-1
    \note #"2." #-1
    \note #"4." #-1
    \note #"8." #-1
    \note #"16." #-1
    \note #"32." #-1
    \note #"64." #-1

    \note #"1." #1
    \note #"2." #1
    \note #"4." #1
    \note #"8." #1
    \note #"16." #1
    \note #"32." #1
    \note #"64." #1

    \override #'(style . cross)
    { \note-by-number #2 #1 #1
      \note-by-number #2 #1 #-1
    \override #'(style . triangle)
    { \note-by-number #2 #1 #1
      \note-by-number #2 #1 #-1



which fails when invoked as follows:
lilypond --backend=eps    -ddump-signatures  --verbose foo.ly

Stupidly, I didn't save the stderr output, but it was a Scheme stack overflow, 
which IIRC was related to stencils. Is it a known issue?


Attachment: es-060918-arity.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: es-060918-translators.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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