Phillip Kirlin wrote:

FIX: in, change line 168 from

mode_node = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('mode')

mode_node = key.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('mode')

This is my first bug fix; I've never contributed to the project before (though I've been using Lilypond), so I hope I've provided enough information. I thought this was too small as to warrant creating a whole patch, I figured a higher-up could just go change that line.

Patches are highly appreciated (read: required), no matter how small they are. A patch (with -u) lets developers quickly see exactly what file you're talking about, and the context of this change.

Here's the patch:

Index: python/
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/python/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10
--- python/  16 May 2006 11:58:58 -0000      1.10
+++ python/  24 Aug 2006 21:40:45 -0000
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
         "return (fifths, mode) tuple"

         key = self.get_named_attribute ('key')
-        mode_node = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('mode')
+        mode_node = key.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('mode')
         mode = 'major'
         if mode_node:
             mode = mode_node.get_text ()

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