The only thing I can say is Good Luck!!!
If you search the mailing list archives, you will notice that there
have been serious problems to compile LilyPond on Cygwin in the
past. If you manage, I hope you will share your success story with the
mailing list. Regarding your particular error message, I noticed that
Han-Wen just fixed it in CVS so hopefully you will at least get somewhat
further with the coming 2.8.6 version.


Luis Rivera wrote:


I'm new in this list, so please don't bite me!!!

I tried Windoze native Lilypond and worked fine, yet I wanted to try to compile
Lilypond on Cygwin to circumvent usual problems of trying to run "native" UN*X
apps on Windoze (path search is broken, etc). Also, my experience with LyX is
that python scripts tend to break when running on "native" Windoze. I want to
avoid that, since I'm planning to use lilypond-book.

Now, ./configure runs fine, but make aborts saying

cd /home/jlrivera/lilypond-2.8.4/out && rm -rf bin lib share
mkdir -p ./out/bin
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4
ln -s 2.8.4 ./out/share/lilypond/current
mkdir -p ./out/lib/lilypond/2.8.4
ln -s 2.8.4 ./out/lib/lilypond/current
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/dvips
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/elisp
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts/otf
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts/tfm
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts/type1
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts/svg
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts/map
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/fonts/enc
mkdir -p ./out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/tex
cd ./out/bin && \
                ln -sf ../../lily/out/lilypond . && \
                ln -sf ../../scripts/out/convert-ly . && \
                ln -sf ../../scripts/out/lilypond-book . && \
                ln -sf ../../scripts/out/*.ly .
ln: creating symbolic link `./*.ly' to `../../scripts/out/*.ly': No such file or
make: *** [out/share/lilypond/2.8.4/lilypond-force] Error 1

It seems that make is trying to find a file called *.ly; but of course, that
fails badly since * is supposed to be a wildcard. How do I fix that?

Any help is welcome.

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
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