Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Friday 07 July 2006 16:34, Graham Percival wrote:
c4 c c c | d d d d \partial 4 d | c c c c

That's still a different concept than using \partial in the beginning of a piece. IMHO, using \partial mid-piece is bad practise, because it's difficult to read,

Hmm, ok.

IMHO, I think the best practise for creating a single bar with length, is to use
\set Timing.barLength = #(make-moment ...)
at the beginning of the bar, plus a corresponding \unset after the bar. The set/unset is of course cumbersome, which is why some people currently prefer the \partial hack to seemingly achieve the same thing. This is in turn is why I suggest that we add a new command. (when thinking about it, I like best the \makeBar {d4 d d d d} syntax)

I'm convinced as far as proper notation goes. But I'd still like to have a "add time" command to avoid some bugs. I agree that it's a bad reason, but unless there's a better way to do it, some notation won't work.

In an ideal world we wouldn't need workarounds like this, but it's useful to have a "fudge factor" \partial. Perhaps we could rename it, and hide it somewhere in the manual under "advanced tweaks"? :)

Here's the example (and the only time I use \partial inside a piece)

\layout{ ragged-right = ##t }
\relative c'' { << \new Staff {
  \key g \major \time 2/2
%\partial 64 s64
  \acciaccatura{ c16[ b a] }
} \new Staff {
  \key g \major \time 2/2

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