Further stuff ...

12.6 Scheme procedures as properties

The code is corrupt - it's flowed off the right margin. I know you said
there's nothing you could do about it, but surely it's a bug (especially
if you're using TeX !!!) if it corrupts input rather than printing it?
It's all very well telling a browser not to wrap - you have a horizontal
scroll bar - but in printed output there's something definitely wrong.

13 Running lilypond

I know you said it was fixed in CVS, but the double para for --safe
isn't fixed in the pdf...

Appendix C.4 The Feta font

Again, naff formatting :-( - bad header layout, wasted space, and
falling off the bottom of the page ...

Appendix E - Cheat sheet

Twin -- kle - the music again has no hyphen. Is this a lily bug?

Yet another thing on my list to do - learn TeXinfo and work out how to
fix these formatting issues :-)


-----Original Message-----
u.org] On Behalf Of Anthony Youngman
Sent: 19 June 2006 16:08
To: lily-devel
Subject: Documentation - first impressions of the latest manual

Note I'm working from the pdf version...

2.13 Printing Lyrics

Your hyphen example leads me to believe the text under the notes should
read "Twin-kle twin-kle". There are no hyphens but it looks to me as if
the whole point of the example is "how to put hyphens in".

4.1 Suggestions for writing Lilypond files

A new one that I've found you don't want to forget - "explicitly specify
the length of the first note every time you use '{'. Don't rely on the

The number of times I've stuck music expressions together, and because I
forgot that, the first note of the second expression takes its length
from the last note of the first, and gets it badly wrong...

6.4.4 Partial measures

imho this is still very misleading at first glance. It should be
something like

"The syntax for this command is
        \partial duration
where duration is the length of the leading notes

Part of the trouble is the last sentence - "The property measurePosition
contains a rational number indicating how much of the measure has passed
at this point." Which measure? The one you think you're in, or the one
the computer thinks you're in? My instinctive reaction is "the partial
measure" but with hindsight that clearly is wrong. You're talking about
the first full measure, which is not the measure containing the leading
notes... if you change this sentence to say "the first full measure" at
least it's a bit clearer (but still weird to a musician - "at the start
of the piece our positon relative to the second bar is ...").

6.4.6 Unmetered music

In the "bugs" section you seem slightly confused, mentioning first page
breaks, then line breaks. Which one is it?

I'll call it a day here, and carry on with chapter 9 tomorrow ...



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