> Hi,
> I'm trying to build lilypond on freebsd 6.1, mostly on a whim.  
> ./configure complains that
> ...
> readlink: illegal option -- f
> usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
> ...
> This is called in only one place,
>    if test "$FCMATCH" != ""; then
>      for style in Roman Italic "Bold Italic" Bold; do
>        NCSB_FILE=`$iiFCMATCH --verbose "Century Schoolbook L:style=$style" 
> | grep 'file:'`
>        NCSB_FILE=`echo $NCSB_FILE | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/g'`
>        NCSB_FILE=`readlink -f $NCSB_FILE`
>      done
> I'm not certain what it does, so I can't suggest an alternative.  If 
> it's a big deal to fix, don't bother -- especially since GUB is 
> available for freebsd.  I've actually already downloaded GUB; I'm 
> running ./configure so that I get the makefiles so I can make web.
> Cheers,
> - Graham

 The -f option tells readlink to rekursively resolv all links and find 
the file which the link finally points to. Without the -f readlink just 
just gives you what this link points to. On my system the file pointed 
to by fc-match is a link to the real file, so for me it would suffice to 
use readlink without the -f. Also we don't need the readlink at all for
finding the pfb file, the problem comes later, somewhere else when we 
want the afm file. Currently lilypond assumes it is in the same
directory as the pfb file.

Since configure does not test for readlink it is perhaps a bad choise, 
the alternative would be to use a shell or python script or if someone 
comes up with a good way to find the afm files.


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