Documentation/user/ requires "texi2dvi -E..." as a workaround for a texinfo bug. (Karl said that he'd try to investigate it tomorrow morning)

input/*  requires texi2dvi without the -E.

I tried making a


which includes the -E, and then modifying Documentation/user/GNUmakefile to use

STEPMAKE_TEMPLATES=tex texinfoB omf documentation

but it still used the normal texinfo rules (with no -E). How can I have two different texi2dvi commands? I've trawled around in buildscripts/ (trying to make input/* work with -E), GNUmakefiles, stepmake/stepmake/texinfo-*.make, and I'm now totally lost and disheartened. This was supposed to be a one-hour documentation job and has turned into ten hours of immense frustration dealing with various low-level things. I'm supposed to be grammar-checking English and pretending to be a newbie (to write docs for them) !

- Graham

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