On 5/12/06, Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I have yet another suggestion for how \relative can be soft-coded in a generic
> way. It's inspired by criticism of earlier attempts. It's similar, but not
> identical, to a previous suggestion.
> Macros is that they operate on syntax, not on music. And the parser spits out
> music directly. So what I suggest, is to let the parser spit out yet another
> intermediate format, which is a Scheme expression that more or less
> corresponds to the the parse tree. So, for example,
> \repeat volta 2 { c8 d e \foo }
> would parse into a Scheme expression
> (repeat 'volta 2 (sequential <c8> <d8> <e8> foo))
> where <c8> etc. are Music objects (or possibly expressions that evaluate to
> Music objects).
> When a top-level expression has been parsed into such scheme expression, it is
> evaluated in a Scheme module, where repeat, sequential etc. are defined as
> functions that return music; this evaluation produces the final music
> expression.
> Some benefits:
> - It will be easy to make \relative a music macro, by defining relative as a
> Scheme macro.
> - The parser will be reduced to a thin layer of syntactic sugar, so a large
> portion of parser.yy can be moved to scheme. Application of music functions
> and dereferencing of variables is completely outsourced to guile.
> - For those who want to do programming using lily syntax, it will be easy to
> export Scheme functions and macros to the lily parser at runtime. This will
> probably reduce the number of feature requests that come to our mailing
> lists.

What you're describing over-reaches my mental capabilities (I can't
understand exactly how you'd do that, and if the promised flexibility
would actually arise). But if the root problem is actually the \relative
mode, couldn't it be coded as a music function?

The problem is that \relative should behave as a macro, i.e., it
should act before music functions are applied. This makes the
following work:
\relative \partcombine { c d e f}  {g a b c }

I have also written something that partially makes this possible, but
it's not the proper way to do it.

Some stuff will break with with my suggestion: If the parser is
modified inside one top-level expression, then the changes will not be
applied until the next top-level expression. This will break some
(ab)uses of parallelMusic. The problem is that the parser needs to
know for each identifier whether it's a function or a variable.

E.g., the following:
 \parallelMusic #'(foo) { c d e }
will not work because the parser doesn't know foo when the expression
is parsed. However, any of the following will work:
\parallelMusic #'(foo) { c d e }
 \foo % separate top-level expression, so parser is updated with
declaration of foo.
 \parallelMusic #'(foo) { c d e }
 \foo % we have declared foo in advance, so parser correctly
interprets this as a variable

I don't think this is a big problem (it just enforces good coding
practise), but it's a reason to implement the new layer fairly
quickly, before misuse of \parallelMusic starts to generate backward
compatibility problems. It's first on my todo aft


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