I would start with the last example of current 11.1.6 (or some other
similar example(s)). Then, we can introduce the basics of how to
replace some of the embedded LilyPond code with Scheme code
to get more flexibility. This second step, of course, is an excellent
example of how to use \displayScheme.


Graham Percival wrote:

In the current manual, define-music-function is introduced late in the scheme chapter. I suspect that this is simply because define-music-function is a more recent lilypond construct, and whoever added it didn't want to disturb the existing material. Is that correct?

I'm revising the chapter now (as you can tell from the previous half-dozen emails :), and it makes sense to me to _begin_ the chapter with define-music-function, and then work through the general theory of scheme, lilypond music expressions, etc. In other words, stick the define-music-function stuff *before* the current 11.1.1. Are there any objections? I really don't think that people need to know what #(ly:make-music-function (11.1.3) does before using define-music-function, but I still can't claim to fully understand #(ly:make-music-function myself, so I might be missing some vital info.

My current sense is that define-music-function and \displayMusic (and perhaps a bit of patience) are the most important parts of 11.1. Thoughts?

- Graham

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