Joe Neeman wrote:
was letting infs through. I guess it's time to upgrade...
You could also export a ly:inf? from lilypond.
I was having trouble[1] getting 1.8 to work on amd64, so I've actually already
done a patch. It allows me to finish "make web", but maybe exporting a C++
function would be more reliable?
2006-05-01 Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* scm/lily-library.scm: Fix guile 1.6 compatibility in inf? and nan?
Index: scm/lily-library.scm
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/scm/lily-library.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -r1.62 lily-library.scm
--- scm/lily-library.scm 31 Mar 2006 00:23:26 -0000 1.62
+++ scm/lily-library.scm 30 Apr 2006 23:47:37 -0000
@@ -320,10 +320,12 @@
;; numbers
(if (not (defined? 'nan?)) ;; guile 1.6 compat
- (define-public (nan? x) #f))
+ (define-public (nan? x) (not (or (< 0.0 x)
+ (> 0.0 x)
+ (= 0.0 x)))))
(if (not (defined? 'inf?))
- (define-public (inf? x) #f))
+ (define-public (inf? x) (= (/ 1.0 x) 0.0)))
;; intervals
looks good. Please apply. If you have checked that the regtest document
looks ok, please apply the spacing patch too.
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation
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