
Sorry for the delay. Here's a new revision of the dispatcher system. Known 
- Some trivial changes should be done to other files, e.g. lily.scm and 
- I added the unique_ member to Context. It's just an int that's supposed to 
be unique for each context. unique might not be the best name; suggestios for 
better names are welcome.

And some comments:

On Wednesday 05 April 2006 14.10, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > Some known issues:
> > - scm/define-event-classes.scm contains rather unsorted functions which
> > are
> i'm missing that file.

sorry, attached.

> > - The Stream_event class duplicates its 'context property with a context_
> > member; this was originally intended to give speedups, but it is broken
> > in this version and requires some modifications to Context in order to
> > work. I'll probably remove the context_ member altogether in the next
> > revision.
> yes please do.
> > /*
> > Event dispatching:
> > - Collect a list of listeners for each relevant class
> > - Send the event to each of these listeners, in increasing priority
> > order. This is done by keeping a bubble-sorted temporary list of listener
> > lists, and iteratively send the event to the lowest-priority listener. -
> > An event is never sent twice to listeners with equal priority. */
> > IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Dispatcher, dispatch) (Stream_event *ev)
> > {
> >   SCM class_symbol = ev->get_property ("class");
> >   if (!scm_symbol_p (class_symbol))
> >     {
> >       warning (_f ("Unknown event class %s", ly_symbol2string
> > (class_symbol).c_str ())); return;
> >     }
> >
> >   SCM class_list = scm_primitive_eval (class_symbol);
> ugh. WTF is this? Where does this come from, in what module should it be
> defined. Why does this do an eval() for every dispatch() call?

I used eval as a poor man's hashq. I have cleaned it up a bit now, by 
abstracting the eval call.

> >   bool sent = false;
> >
> >   // TODO: fix this loop.
> >   int num_classes = 0;
> >   for (SCM cl = class_list; cl != SCM_EOL; cl = scm_cdr (cl))
> >     num_classes++;
> scm_ilength


> >   // Collect all listener lists.
> >   struct { int prio; SCM list; } lists[num_classes+1];
> >   int i = 0;
> >   for (SCM cl = class_list; cl != SCM_EOL; cl = scm_cdr (cl))
> >     {
> >       SCM list = scm_hashq_ref (listeners_, scm_car (cl), SCM_EOL);
> >       if (list == SCM_EOL)
> >     num_classes--;
> >       else
> >     {
> >           // bubblesort.
> >           int prio = scm_to_int (scm_caar (list));
> >       int j;
> >       for (j = i; j > 0 && lists[j-1].prio > prio; j--)
> >         lists[j] = lists[j-1];
> >       lists[j].prio = prio;
> >       lists[j].list = list;
> >       i++;
> >         }
> >     }
> >   lists[num_classes].prio = INT_MAX;
> can you use a Scheme sort routine to do this?
> do I understand correctly that for every time step, we get multiple
> bubble sorts? That doesn't look very clean?

The bubble sorts are just a primitive implementation of a priority queue. The 
queue typically has two elements (the height of the event-class tree), so I 
felt that using pure C and simple bubble-sort would be the most efficient way 
to do it. The main reason for C is that the stack is used for memory 
allocation; I suspect this would be much slower in guile due to GC.

> > #if 0
> > /*
> >  New listeners are appended to the end of the list.
> >  This way, listeners will listen to an event in the order they were
> > added. */
> why if 0 ?

sorry, obsolete code

> >   // We just remove the listener once.
> >   bool first = true;
> >
> >   SCM dummy = scm_cons (SCM_EOL, list);
> >   SCM e = dummy;
> >   while (scm_cdr (e) != SCM_EOL)
> >     if (*unsmob_listener (scm_cdadr (e)) == l && first)
> >       {
> >     scm_set_cdr_x (e, scm_cddr(e));
> >     first = false;
> >     break;
> >       }
> >     else
> >       e = scm_cdr (e);
> >   list = scm_cdr (dummy);
> try to use scm_delq or similar, if not possible, devise an appropriate
> del() routine yoursefl.

Thanks, scm_delete seems to do the job (I didn't realise I had defined an 
equality predicate)

> > #ifndef NDEBUG
> > //  assert (SCM_EOL == scm_hashq_ref (listeners_, ly_symbol2scm
> > ("StreamEvent"), SCM_EOL)); #endif
> idem.
> > LY_DEFINE (ly_make_dispatcher, "ly:make-dispatcher",
> as a matter of style, this should be in dispatcher-scheme.cc
> > /*
> >   listener-scheme.cc -- Connect listeners to Scheme through Scm_listener
> >
> >   source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
> >
> >   (c) 2005-2006 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > */
> >
> > #include "listener.hh"
> > #include "ly-smobs.icc"
> > #include "stream-event.hh"
> >
> > class Scm_listener
> this should be in scm-listener.cc
> > {
> > public:
> >   Scm_listener (SCM callback);
> >   DECLARE_LISTENER (listener);
> > protected:
> >   DECLARE_SMOBS (Scm_listener,);
> > private:
> >   SCM callback_;
> > };
> >
> > IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Scm_listener, listener) (Stream_event *ev)
> Please change the def of this macro so we  can have
> IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Scm_listener, listener);
> Scm_listener::real_declaration (Stream_event *)
> otherwise tools like TAGS get very confused.

I have changed the definition to:
IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Scm_listener, listener, (Stream_event *ev))

Your suggestion doesn't work well because of some magic inside the macro.

> > LY_DEFINE (ly_make_listener, "ly:make-listener",
> scm-listener-scheme.cc

Scm_listener is only intended to be used locally by that function; splitting 
the file into two modules would feel artificial/meaningless. Perhaps I should 
rename the class to Listener_scheme?

> > // ES todo: Add stuff to lily-proto.hh: Stream_event and its subclasses,
> > Stream_creator, etc.
> yes. in any case, I'm missing a patch.
> > SCM
> > Stream_event::internal_get_property (SCM sym) const
> > {
> >   SCM s = scm_sloppy_assq (sym, property_alist_);
> >   if (s != SCM_BOOL_F)
> >     return scm_cdr (s);
> >   return SCM_EOL;
> > }
> you might want to consider basing these objects on Prob; see prob.cc

Is there a point in doing that? There are no immutable properties

> > #define SEND_EVENT_TO_CONTEXT(ctx, cl, ...)                         \
> >   {                                                                 \
> >     Stream_event *_e_ = new Stream_event (ctx, ly_symbol2scm (cl)); \
> >     __VA_ARGS__;                                                    \
> >     ctx->event_source ()->distribute (_e_);                         \
> >     scm_gc_unprotect_object (_e_->self_scm ());                             
> > \
> >   }
> >
> > #define EVENT_PROPERTY(prop, val)   \
> >   (_e_->set_property (prop, val))
> what's this? Is it ever used?  It looks fishy anyway.

It's used about 15 times so far. It's a shorthand for creating and reporting 
an event; e.g., the following code generates and broadcasts a Revert event:

      SEND_EVENT_TO_CONTEXT (get_outlet (), "Revert",
                             EVENT_PROPERTY("symbol", sym),
                             EVENT_PROPERTY("property", eprop));

> In general, it seems that Dispatcher is not connected to Stream_event at
> all. Why not make

I guess you mean listeners. I have now generalised them.

;;;; stream-event-classes.scm -- define the tree of stream-event classes.
;;;;  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
;;;; (c) 2005-2006 Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))

;; Event class hierarchy. Each line is on the form ((List of children) . Parent)
(define event-classes
  '(((StreamEvent) . '())
    ((RemoveContext ChangeParent Override Revert UnsetProperty SetProperty 
      MusicEvent CreateContext Prepare OneTimeStep Finish) . StreamEvent)

;; Each class will be defined as
;; (class parent grandparent .. )
;; so that (eq? (cdr class) parent) holds.
 (lambda (rel)
    (lambda (type)
      (primitive-eval `(define ,type (cons ',type ,(cdr rel)))))
    (car rel)))

;; TODO: Allow entering more complex classes, by taking unions.
(define-public (ly:make-event-class leaf)
 (primitive-eval leaf)

(defmacro-public make-stream-event (expr)
  (Stream_event::undump (primitive-eval (list 'quasiquote expr))))

(define* (simplify e)
   ;; Special case for lists reduces stack consumption.
   ((list? e) (map simplify e))
   ((pair? e) (cons (simplify (car e))
		    (simplify (cdr e))))
   ((ly:stream-event? e)
    (list 'unquote `(make-stream-event ,(simplify (Stream_event::dump e)))))
   ((ly:music? e)
    (list 'unquote (music->make-music e)))
   ((ly:moment? e)
    (list 'unquote `(ly:make-moment
		     ,(ly:moment-main-numerator e)
		     ,(ly:moment-main-denominator e)
		     . ,(if (eq? 0 (ly:moment-grace-numerator e))
			    (list (ly:moment-grace-numerator e)
				  (ly:moment-grace-denominator e))))))
   ((ly:duration? e)
    (list 'unquote `(ly:make-duration
		     ,(ly:duration-log e)
		     ,(ly:duration-dot-count e)
		     ,(car (ly:duration-factor e))
		     ,(cdr (ly:duration-factor e)))))
   ((ly:pitch? e)
    (list 'unquote `(ly:make-pitch
		     ,(ly:pitch-octave e)
		     ,(ly:pitch-notename e)
		     ,(ly:pitch-alteration e))))
   ((ly:input-location? e)
    (list 'unquote '(ly:dummy-input-location)))
   (#t e)))

(define-public (ly:simplify-scheme e)
  (list 'quasiquote (simplify e))

; used by lily/dispatcher.cc
(define-public (car< a b) (< (car a) (car b)))
Index: context.cc
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/lily/context.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.78
diff -u -r1.78 context.cc
--- context.cc	12 Feb 2006 16:40:02 -0000	1.78
+++ context.cc	26 Apr 2006 18:55:29 -0000
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
   accepts_list_ = SCM_EOL;
   context_list_ = SCM_EOL;
   definition_ = SCM_EOL;
+  unique_ = -1;
   smobify_self ();
@@ -236,6 +237,7 @@
   Context *new_context
     = cdef->instantiate (ops, key);
+  new_context->unique_ = get_global_context()->new_unique();
   new_context->id_string_ = id;
   add_context (new_context);
   apply_property_operations (new_context, ops);
Index: global-context.cc
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/lily/global-context.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -r1.40 global-context.cc
--- global-context.cc	31 Jan 2006 00:30:43 -0000	1.40
+++ global-context.cc	26 Apr 2006 18:55:29 -0000
@@ -204,3 +204,9 @@
     return Context::get_default_interpreter ();
+Global_context::new_unique ()
+  return ++unique_count_;
Index: include/context.hh
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/lily/include/context.hh,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -r1.38 context.hh
--- include/context.hh	16 Feb 2006 11:54:21 -0000	1.38
+++ include/context.hh	26 Apr 2006 18:55:29 -0000
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
   friend class Context_handle;
   int iterator_count_;
   bool init_;
+  int unique_;
   Context *daddy_context_;
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
   string id_string () const { return id_string_; }
   SCM children_contexts () const { return context_list_; }
   SCM default_child_context_name () const;
+  int get_unique() { return unique_; }
   Translator_group *implementation () const { return implementation_; }
   Context *get_parent_context () const;
Index: include/global-context.hh
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/lily/include/global-context.hh,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 global-context.hh
--- include/global-context.hh	6 Jan 2006 09:13:24 -0000	1.13
+++ include/global-context.hh	26 Apr 2006 18:55:29 -0000
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   PQueue<Moment> extra_mom_pq_;
   Output_def *output_def_;
+  int unique_count_;
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
   virtual Moment now_mom () const;
   virtual Context *get_default_interpreter ();
+  int new_unique ();
   Moment previous_moment () const;
   Moment final_mom_;
  dispatcher.cc -- implement Dispatcher

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005-2006 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "dispatcher.hh"
#include "international.hh"
#include "ly-smobs.icc"
#include "stream-event.hh"
#include "warn.hh"

// ES todo: move to lily-guile.hh
SCM appendable_list ();
void appendable_list_append (SCM l, SCM elt);

IMPLEMENT_TYPE_P (Dispatcher, "dispatcher");

Dispatcher::~Dispatcher ()

Dispatcher::Dispatcher ()
  self_scm_ = SCM_EOL;
  listeners_ = SCM_EOL;
  dispatchers_ = SCM_EOL;
  listen_classes_ = SCM_EOL;
  smobify_self ();
  //TODO use resizable hash
  listeners_ = scm_c_make_hash_table (17);
  priority_count_ = 0;

Dispatcher::mark_smob (SCM sm)
  Dispatcher *me = (Dispatcher *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (sm);
  scm_gc_mark (me->dispatchers_);
  scm_gc_mark (me->listen_classes_);
  return me->listeners_;

Dispatcher::print_smob (SCM s, SCM p, scm_print_state*)
  Dispatcher *me = (Dispatcher *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (s);
  scm_puts ("#<Dispatcher ", p);
  scm_write (scm_vector_to_list (me->listeners_), p);
  scm_puts (">", p);
  return 1;

Event dispatching:
- Collect a list of listeners for each relevant class
- Send the event to each of these listeners, in increasing priority order.
  This is done by keeping a bubble-sorted temporary list of listener lists,
  and iteratively send the event to the lowest-priority listener.
- An event is never sent twice to listeners with equal priority.
IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Dispatcher, dispatch, (SCM sev))
  Stream_event *ev = unsmob_stream_event (sev);
  SCM class_symbol = ev->get_property ("class");
  if (!scm_symbol_p (class_symbol))
      warning (_f ("Unknown event class %s", ly_symbol2string (class_symbol).c_str ()));

  SCM class_list = scm_call_1 (ly_lily_module_constant ("ly:make-event-class"), class_symbol);
  bool sent = false;
  int num_classes = scm_ilength (class_list);

  // Collect all listener lists.
  struct { int prio; SCM list; } lists[num_classes+1];
  int i = 0;
  for (SCM cl = class_list; scm_is_pair(cl); cl = scm_cdr (cl))
      SCM list = scm_hashq_ref (listeners_, scm_car (cl), SCM_EOL);
      if (!scm_is_pair(list))
          // bubblesort.
          int prio = scm_to_int (scm_caar (list));
	  int j;
	  for (j = i; j > 0 && lists[j-1].prio > prio; j--)
	    lists[j] = lists[j-1];
	  lists[j].prio = prio;
	  lists[j].list = list;
  lists[num_classes].prio = INT_MAX;

  // Never send an event to two listeners with equal priority.
  int last_priority = -1;
  // Iteratively process all event classes, in increasing priority.
  while (num_classes)
      // Send the event, if we haven't already sent it to this target.
      if (lists[0].prio != last_priority)
          // process the listener
          assert (lists[0].prio > last_priority);
          last_priority = lists[0].prio;

          Listener *l = unsmob_listener (scm_cdar (lists[0].list));
          l->listen (ev->self_scm ());
          sent = true;
      // go to the next listener; bubble-sort the class list.
      SCM next = scm_cdr (lists[0].list);
      if (!scm_is_pair(next))
      int prio = (scm_is_pair(next)) ? scm_to_int (scm_caar (next)) : INT_MAX;
      for (i = 0; prio > lists[i+1].prio; i++)
        lists[i] = lists[i+1];
      lists[i].prio = prio;
      lists[i].list = next;

  if (!sent)
    warning (_f ("Junking event: %s", ly_symbol2string (class_symbol).c_str ()));

Dispatcher::broadcast (Stream_event *ev)
  dispatch_proc (ev->self_scm ());

Dispatcher::add_listener (Listener l, SCM ev_class)
  internal_add_listener (l, ev_class, ++priority_count_);

inline void
Dispatcher::internal_add_listener (Listener l, SCM ev_class, int priority)
  SCM list = scm_hashq_ref (listeners_, ev_class, SCM_EOL);
  if (list == SCM_EOL)
      /* Register with all dispatchers. */
      for (SCM disp = dispatchers_; scm_is_pair(disp); disp = scm_cdr (disp))
	  int priority = scm_to_int (scm_cdar (disp));
	  Dispatcher *d = unsmob_dispatcher (scm_caar (disp));
	  d->internal_add_listener (dispatch (), ev_class, priority);
      listen_classes_ = scm_cons (ev_class, listen_classes_);
  SCM entry = scm_cons (scm_int2num (priority), l.smobbed_copy ());
  list = scm_merge_x (list, scm_list_1 (entry), ly_lily_module_constant ("car<"));
  scm_hashq_set_x (listeners_, ev_class, list);

Dispatcher::remove_listener (Listener l, SCM ev_class)
  SCM list = scm_hashq_ref (listeners_, ev_class, SCM_EOL);

  if (list == SCM_EOL)
      programming_error ("remove_listener called with incorrect class.");

  // We just remove the listener once.
  bool first = true;

  SCM dummy = scm_cons (SCM_EOL, list);
  SCM e = dummy;
  while (scm_is_pair(scm_cdr (e)))
    if (*unsmob_listener (scm_cdadr (e)) == l && first)
	scm_set_cdr_x (e, scm_cddr(e));
	first = false;
      e = scm_cdr (e);
  list = scm_cdr (dummy);

  if (first)
    warning ("Attempting to remove nonexisting listener.");
  else if (list == SCM_EOL)
      /* Unregister with all dispatchers. */
      for (SCM disp = dispatchers_; disp != SCM_EOL; disp = scm_cdr (disp))
	  Dispatcher *d = unsmob_dispatcher (scm_caar (disp));
	  d->remove_listener (dispatch (), ev_class);
      listen_classes_ = scm_delq_x (ev_class, listen_classes_);

/* Register as a listener to another dispatcher. */
Dispatcher::register_as_listener (Dispatcher *disp)
  int priority = ++disp->priority_count_;

  // Don't register twice to the same dispatcher.
  if (scm_assq (disp->self_scm (), dispatchers_) != SCM_BOOL_F)
      warning ("Already listening to dispatcher, ignoring request");

  dispatchers_ = scm_acons (disp->self_scm (), scm_int2num (priority), dispatchers_);

  Listener list = dispatch ();
  for (SCM cl = listen_classes_; cl != SCM_EOL; cl = scm_cdr (cl))
      disp->internal_add_listener (list, scm_car (cl), priority);

/* Unregister as a listener to another dispatcher. */
Dispatcher::unregister_as_listener (Dispatcher *disp)
  dispatchers_ = scm_assq_remove_x (dispatchers_, disp->self_scm ());

  Listener list = dispatch ();
  for (SCM cl = listen_classes_; cl != SCM_EOL; cl = scm_cdr (cl))
      disp->remove_listener (list, scm_car (cl));
  stream-event.cc -- implement Stream_event

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005-2006 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "stream-event.hh"

#include "ly-smobs.icc"
#include "context.hh"
#include "input.hh"
#include "input-smob.hh"

// ES todo: Add stuff to lily-proto.hh: Stream_event and its subclasses, Stream_creator, etc.

Stream_event::~Stream_event ()

Stream_event::init ()
  self_scm_ = SCM_EOL;
  property_alist_ = SCM_EOL;
  origin_ = 0;

  smobify_self ();

Stream_event::Stream_event ()
  init ();

Stream_event::Stream_event (Context *c, Input *origin)
  init ();
  set_property ("context", scm_int2num (c->get_unique()));
  origin_ = origin;

Stream_event::Stream_event (SCM property_alist)
  init ();
  property_alist_ = property_alist;
  origin_ = &dummy_input_global;

Stream_event::Stream_event (Context *c, SCM class_name)
  init ();
  set_property ("context", scm_int2num (c->get_unique()));
  set_property ("class", class_name);
  origin_ = &dummy_input_global;

Stream_event::Stream_event (Stream_event *ev)
  init ();
  property_alist_ = scm_copy_tree (ev->property_alist_);
  origin_ = ev->origin_;

Input *
Stream_event::origin () const
  return origin_;

Stream_event::mark_smob (SCM sm)
  Stream_event *me = (Stream_event *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (sm);
  return me->property_alist_;

Stream_event::print_smob (SCM s, SCM port, scm_print_state *)
  scm_puts ("#<Stream_event ", port);
  scm_write (dump (s), port);
  scm_puts (" >", port);
  return 1;

IMPLEMENT_SMOBS (Stream_event);
IMPLEMENT_TYPE_P (Stream_event, "ly:stream-event?");

MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Stream_event, undump, 1);
MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Stream_event, dump, 1);

Stream_event::dump (SCM self)
  Stream_event *ev = unsmob_stream_event (self);
  // Reversed alists look prettier.
  return scm_reverse (ev->property_alist_);

Stream_event::undump (SCM data)
  Stream_event *obj = new Stream_event ();
  obj->property_alist_ = scm_reverse (data);
  return obj->unprotect ();

Stream_event::internal_get_property (SCM sym) const
  SCM s = scm_sloppy_assq (sym, property_alist_);
  if (s != SCM_BOOL_F)
    return scm_cdr (s);
  return SCM_EOL;

Stream_event::internal_set_property (SCM prop, SCM val)
  property_alist_ = scm_assq_set_x (property_alist_, prop, val);
  stream-event.cc -- implement Scheme bindings for Stream_event

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2006 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "stream-event.hh"

LY_DEFINE (ly_make_stream_event, "ly:make-stream-event",
	   1, 0, 0, (SCM proplist),
	   "Creates a stream event, with the given property list.\n" )
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_list_p (proplist), proplist, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "association list");
  Stream_event *e = new Stream_event (proplist);
  return e->unprotect ();

LY_DEFINE (ly_stream_event_property, "ly:stream-event-property", 
           2, 0, 0, (SCM sev, SCM sym),
	   "Get the property @var{sym} of stream event @var{mus}.\n"
	   "If @var{sym} is undefined, return @code{' ()}.\n")
  Stream_event *e = unsmob_stream_event (sev);
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (e, sev, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "stream event");
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_symbol (sym), sym, SCM_ARG2, __FUNCTION__, "symbol");

  return e->internal_get_property (sym);
  dispatcher.cc -- implement Scheme bindings for Dispatcher

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2006 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "dispatcher.hh"

LY_DEFINE (ly_make_dispatcher, "ly:make-dispatcher",
	   0, 0, 0, (),
	   "Returns a newly created dispatcher.")
  return (new Dispatcher ())->unprotect ();

LY_DEFINE (ly_register_dispatcher, "ly:connect-dispatchers",
	   2, 0, 0, (SCM to, SCM from),
	   "Makes the dispatcher @var{to} listen to events from @var{from}." )
  Dispatcher *t = unsmob_dispatcher (to);
  Dispatcher *f = unsmob_dispatcher (from);
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (t, from, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "dispatcher");
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (f, to, SCM_ARG2, __FUNCTION__, "dispatcher");
  t->register_as_listener (f);


LY_DEFINE (ly_add_listener, "ly:add-listener",
	   2, 0, 1, (SCM list, SCM disp, SCM cl),
	   "Adds the listener @var{list} to the dispatcher @var{disp}.\n"
	   " Whenever @var{disp} hears an event of class @var{cl}, it will be forwarded to @var{list}.\n" )
  Listener *l = unsmob_listener (list);
  Dispatcher *d = unsmob_dispatcher (disp);
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (l, list, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "listener");
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (d, disp, SCM_ARG2, __FUNCTION__, "dispatcher");
  for (int arg=SCM_ARG3; cl != SCM_EOL; cl = scm_cdr (cl), arg++)
      SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_symbol_p (cl), cl, arg, __FUNCTION__, "symbol");
      d->add_listener (*l, scm_car (cl));


LY_DEFINE (ly_broadcast, "ly:broadcast",
	   2, 0, 0, (SCM disp, SCM ev),
	   "Sends the stream event @var{ev} to the dispatcher\n"
  Dispatcher *d = unsmob_dispatcher (disp);
  Stream_event *e = unsmob_stream_event (ev);
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (d, disp, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "dispatcher");
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (e, ev, SCM_ARG2, __FUNCTION__, "stream event");
  d->broadcast (e);
  listener-scheme.cc -- Connect listeners to Scheme through Scm_listener

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005-2006 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "listener.hh"
#include "ly-smobs.icc"
#include "stream-event.hh"

class Scm_listener
  Scm_listener (SCM callback);
  DECLARE_LISTENER (listener);
  DECLARE_SMOBS (Scm_listener,);
  SCM callback_;

IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Scm_listener, listener, (SCM ev))
  scm_call_1 (callback_, ev);

IMPLEMENT_SMOBS (Scm_listener);

Scm_listener::Scm_listener (SCM c)
  callback_ = SCM_EOL;
  self_scm_ = SCM_EOL;
  smobify_self ();
  callback_ = c; 

Scm_listener::mark_smob (SCM obj)
  Scm_listener *me = (Scm_listener *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (obj);
  return me->callback_;

Scm_listener::print_smob (SCM obj, SCM p, scm_print_state*)
  Scm_listener *me = (Scm_listener *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (obj);
  scm_puts ("#<Scm_listener ", p);
  scm_write (me->callback_, p);
  scm_puts (">", p);
  return 1;

Scm_listener::~Scm_listener ()

LY_DEFINE (ly_make_listener, "ly:make-listener",
	   1, 0, 0, (SCM callback),
	   "Creates a listener. Any time the listener hears\n"
	   " an object, it will call @var{callback}\n"
	   " with that object. @var{callback} should take exactly one argument." )
  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_procedure_p (callback), callback, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "procedure");
  Scm_listener *l = new Scm_listener (callback);
  SCM listener = l->listener ().smobbed_copy ();
  l->unprotect ();
  return listener;
  listener.cc -- implement Listener and Listener_target

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#include "listener.hh"
#include "ly-smobs.icc"
#include "warn.hh"

Listener_target::~Listener_target ()

Listener::Listener (const void *target, Listener_function_table *type)
  target_ = (void *)target;
  type_ = type;

Listener::Listener (Listener const &other)
  target_ = other.target_;
  type_ = other.type_; 

void Listener::listen (SCM ev) const {
  (type_->listen_callback) (target_, ev);

Listener::mark_smob (SCM sm)
  Listener *me = (Listener *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (sm);
  (me->type_->mark_callback) (me->target_);
  return SCM_EOL;

Listener::print_smob (SCM s, SCM p, scm_print_state*)
  scm_puts ("#<Listener>", p);
  return 1;

Listener::equal_p (SCM a, SCM b)
  Listener *l1 = unsmob_listener (a);
  Listener *l2 = unsmob_listener (b);

  return (*l1 == *l2) ? SCM_BOOL_T : SCM_BOOL_F;

IMPLEMENT_TYPE_P (Listener, "listener");
  listener.hh -- declare Listener

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005 Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



  Listeners are used for stream event dispatching. If you want to
  register a method as an event handler in a dispatcher, then you

  - declare the method using DECLARE_LISTENER:
  class Foo
    DECLARE_LISTENER (method);

  - implement the method using IMPLEMENT_LISTENER:
  IMPLEMENT_LISTENER (Foo, method, (Stream_event *e))
    write ("Foo hears an event!");

  - register the method to the dispatcher using Dispatcher::register

  Foo *foo = (...);
  Stream_distributor *d = (...);
  Listener l = foo->method ();
  d->register_listener (l, "EventClass");
  Whenever d hears a stream-event ev of class "EventClass",
  the implemented procedure is called.

  DECLARE_LISTENER currently only works inside smob classes.


#include "smobs.hh"

/*TODO: to lily-proto*/
class Stream_event;

typedef struct {
  void (*listen_callback) (void *, SCM);
  void (*mark_callback) (void *);
} Listener_function_table;

class Listener {
  void *target_;
  Listener_function_table *type_;
  Listener (const void *target, Listener_function_table *type);
  Listener (Listener const &other);
  void listen (SCM ev) const;

  bool operator == (Listener const &other) const
  { return target_ == other.target_ && type_ == other.type_; }

DECLARE_UNSMOB (Listener, listener);

#define IMPLEMENT_LISTENER(cl, method, params)			\
void								\
cl :: method ## _callback (void *self, SCM ev)	                \
{								\
  cl *s = (cl *)self;						\
  s->method ## _proc (ev);					\
}								\
void								\
cl :: method ## _mark (void *self) 				\
{								\
  cl *s = (cl *)self;						\
  scm_gc_mark (s->self_scm ());					\
}								\
Listener							\
cl :: method () const						\
{								\
  static Listener_function_table callbacks;			\
  callbacks.listen_callback = &cl::method ## _callback;		\
  callbacks.mark_callback = &cl::method ## _mark;		\
  return Listener (this, &callbacks);				\
}								\
void								\
cl :: method ## _proc params

#define DECLARE_LISTENER(name)				\
  inline void name ## _proc (SCM);		       	\
  static void name ## _callback (void *self, SCM ev);	\
  static void name ## _mark (void *self);		\
  Listener name () const

#endif /* LISTENER_HH */
  dispatcher.hh -- declare Dispatcher

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005 Erik Sandberg  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


#include "listener.hh"
#include "stream-event.hh"

class Dispatcher
  /* Hash table. Each event-class maps to a list of listeners. */
  SCM listeners_;
  /* alist of dispatchers that we listen to. Each entry is a
     (dist . priority) pair. */
  SCM dispatchers_;
  SCM listen_classes_;
  DECLARE_LISTENER (dispatch);
  /* priority counter. Listeners with low priority receive events
     first. */
  int priority_count_;
  void internal_add_listener (Listener, SCM event_class, int priority);
  Dispatcher ();
  void broadcast (Stream_event *ev);
  void add_listener (Listener, SCM event_class);
  void remove_listener (Listener, SCM event_class);
  void register_as_listener (Dispatcher *dist);
  void unregister_as_listener (Dispatcher *dist);
  DECLARE_SMOBS (Dispatcher,);

DECLARE_UNSMOB (Dispatcher, dispatcher);

  stream-event.hh -- declare Stream_event

  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter

  (c) 2005-2006 Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


#include "lily-proto.hh"
#include "smobs.hh"
#include "prob.hh"

class Stream_event
  void init ();
  SCM property_alist_;
  Input *origin_;

  Stream_event ();
  Input *origin () const;


  // todo: make Input mandatory.
  Stream_event (SCM property_alist);
  Stream_event (Context *c, SCM class_name);
  Stream_event (Context *c, Input *);
  Stream_event (Stream_event *ev);

  SCM internal_get_property (SCM) const;
  void internal_set_property (SCM prop, SCM val);

  DECLARE_SMOBS (Stream_event,);

DECLARE_UNSMOB (Stream_event, stream_event);
DECLARE_TYPE_P (Stream_event);

#define SEND_EVENT_TO_CONTEXT(ctx, cl, ...)				\
  {									\
    Stream_event *_e_ = new Stream_event (ctx, ly_symbol2scm (cl));	\
    __VA_ARGS__;							\
    ctx->event_source ()->distribute (_e_);				\
    scm_gc_unprotect_object (_e_->self_scm ());				\
#define EVENT_PROPERTY(prop, val)	\
  (_e_->set_property (prop, val))

#endif /* STREAM_EVENT_HH */
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