Read Section "8.2.8 Different editions from one source".


Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:

I'm a guitarist but have a suggestion for a new command LilyPond.
When entering a standatrd notes staff... on guitar music it is customary to
place roman numerals of the current fretting position just below the staff
(section 7.5.5 of v2.8.0 manual).

When entering a tab staff... it is also necessary to tell the TabStaff what
the current minimum-fret is (section 7.5.2 of v2.8.0 manual) so that it can
calculate the fingerings of the notes that follow.

It would be real handy to not have to re-enter all your notes twice when
creating both a TabStaff and standard Staff in your score.

So why not make a command that can enable both the TabStaff and Staff to be
generated from the same notes list?  Here is the command I am proposing to
identify the current fetting position called \FrettingPosition:

\FrettingPosition { n } where n is the position.

Now when you code your notes list you can use for example:
myNotes = { g4^\FrettingPosition { 2 } a4 b4 c4 }
\new Staff { \myNotes }
\new TabStaff { \myNotes }

When \FrettingPosition finds itself in the Context of a Staff, it will
generate Roman Numeral position markers under the regular staff.

When \FrettingPosition finds itself in the Context of a TabStaff it will
simply reset the minimum-fret attribute.

Now a person only has to maintain one set of notes and can easily generate
one, the other, or both staffs, and only have one notes list to maintain.

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