Herman Grootaers wrote:
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 10:47, Andreas Scherer wrote:
R. Mattes <rm <at> mh-freiburg.de> writes:
Ok, i found the "bug". It looks like this is triggered
by using guile-1.6.n instead of guile-1.8 - this also
explains why Andreas' build failed.
Confirmed. After updating OpenSUSE 10.0 with guile-1.8.0, all is well
again. "make all web" runs to completion with both the LilyPond 2.8.1
source drop and the 2.9.1 CVS contents.
I encountered the same error, But it is not a bug in itself; just that
the configure tests against old versions of certain programs, guile and
mftrace that i know about.
Maybe an action for the main-core developers to update the files which
contain old info, so an end-user who is familiar with the normal
build-procedure can use it.
the goal for 2.8 is to be compatible with guile 1.6 , and it largely is.
For 2.9/3.0 we will require guile 1.8, as we'll likely drop our in-house
rational number support for GUILE's.
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation
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