similar with cvs from two hours ago on cygwin. greetings, arno
On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 00:08:11 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Laura Conrad wrote:
"HN" == Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
HN> I've just finished lilypond 2.7.38. This is likely to be the
HN> release candidate before we release 2.8, so report any bugs
that you
HN> might find.
The pdf file size is still almost 8 times the size of the postscript
file size. (which I reported a couple of weeks ago). I don't think
anyone who distributes her work via pdf is going to consider this an
upgrade from 2.6, even though there are some very nice new features.
Full bugreport please: version, platform, etc.
Do you also have this problem if you run lily with -dgs-font-load ?
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