
On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Don Blaheta wrote:

> I'm on OS X 10.3.9, with g++ version 3.3, trying to compile lilypond
> from CVS.
> [...]
> I can't quite figure out why, because flower/offset.cc includes
> flower/include/offset.hh, which includes flower/include/real.hh, which
> includes /usr/include/math.h, which includes (are you following all
> this?) /usr/include/architecture/ppc/math.h, which defines both isnan
> and isinf as #define macros.  At least, afaict.  Has anyone else run
> into similar problems?

Yes. I don't remember when exactly, but it went away some time in the last 
two months for me.

I think the problem has to do with wrong precompiled headers, and a 
certain order of includes, because at a certain time I could just redefine 
the macros after the #include without a warning.


P.S.: I will try to compile the current lilypond later today, and if I 
find the same problem and a fix, I'll share it with you

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