Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Well, it's a dangerous thing.  Among other things, their version
>> numbers might collide badly with the official Debian ones.  Best it
>> should have different package names to prevent this sort of thing from
>> happening.
> Whe have this on our website, I think that Anthoy Fok provided
> this recipe
>   The build scripts are in the subdirectory <code>debian/</code>; you
>   can make the .deb by doing
>     tar xzf lilypond-x.y.z.tar.gz
>     cd lilypond-x.y.z
>     dpkg-checkbuilddeps           # print missing build dependencies
>     # apt-get install ...         # install any missing packages
>     dch -p -v x.y.z.local.1 "Local build."
>     debuild
> We could also just copy your ./debian stuff and change the name to
> lilypond-snapshot and lilypond-2.6-snapshot or something?

Yes, that is a safer recipe.

If you copy my ./debian code, that's ok, but still, I'd rather it
didn't land inside the standard tarball but lived separately.  Also,
there will be necessary version skew: I make my change only after you
release the tarball.

Since the virtue of this is for users who are using the CVS archive
(and I do see the point of that) how about leaving it in the CVS, but
not packaging it into the tarball?  That seems like the best of both


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