Ruud van Silfhout writes:

> I just did try to run the dvips  -ta4 -Ppdf -G0 -u
> ESK400-102.dvi'' on the command line and guess what...
> Yes, it works. Isn't that weird. So it is not that dvips cannot find
> it, but has somethiing todo with what lilpond add or removes from the
> environment.

In 2.2.6, lilypond is a python script that `fixes' the environment,
specifically the TEXMF variable.  Comparing the default TEXMF value,
or kpsexpand '$TEXMF' with what lilypond does should clear this up.

> Does this ring a bell ?

I know that a certain SUSE install had this problem too, but we didn't
get a full bug report.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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