On 31-Aug-05, at 8:45 AM, Hans de Rijck wrote:


I'm not certain about these.  I commented out the section on setting
directions, since that section isn't useful. I suppose I could include
info in the section on polyphony.

Well, setting stem directions can be usefull, why not document it?

Ehh... well, ok. I guess they're sufficiently useful. At least until I've
integrated ly/property-init.ly somehow.

I'm accepting suggestions.  This example is created from
input/test/script-chart.ly ;
the names are done as lyrics.  How can you space out lyrics ?

Well, how about the same hack I use when lilypond is spacing notes too
close: add /breaks
to force a more 'airy' appearance (you can do that with \override
Score.SpacingSpanner #'shortest-duration-space = #3.0 but the breaks give
more control, like the old-time engravers had :-)

This appears to be an actual bug with lyric handling, so let's see if that
gets fixed first.

No, not necessarily. What Mats writes makes sense:

One method is to increase the staff-padding property, which specifies
the minimum distance from the stave. This means that that the distance
to the closest note will only matter if you have a note far below
the stave. Try for example
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = 2

I've added this example.

Graham, could you post this to the list, it bounces me.

Ok. If the message is just "your email is waiting for moderator approval",
it should get through eventually.

- Graham

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