this is out of style.  Why can't it simply use the staff-position property?

I'm trying setting the staff-position of a new BarLine symbol, but
without any effect.

in Bar_line::compound_barline I have at the proper place:

  else if (str == ".")
      m = dot;
//       m.translate_axis
//      (robust_scm2double (me->get_property ("staff-position"), 0)
//       * staff_space * 0.5, Y_AXIS);

I've also tried adding staff-position property to BarLine in define-grobs.scm

     . (
        (break-align-symbol . staff-bar)
        (staff-position . 0)
        (glyph . "|")

without any effect.

What am I missing or doing wrong (OK, everything, but...)?

staff-symbol-referencers need to have the appropriate Y-offset-callback. Check out the definition of NoteHead for an examlpe.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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