Graham Percival wrote:
(2.7.5 release)

option seems to have no effect; it appears that the Score.timing property
is no longer.  Judging from ly/ (cadenza), it appears that
there's a new Timing engraver ?

How would I modify the below example to turn off timing?  Simply changing
\Score to \Timing doesn't work.  I can update  script/
myself, but I don't understand how Timing works.

\version "2.7.5"
\layout{ \context { \Score
%  \remove "Timing_translator"
   timing = ##f
\relative c' {
  c4 c c c c c c c c

Timing is an alias which is set for whichever contains Timing_translator.
There was a bug that caused the defualt from \layout {} to always be overridden.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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