Ed Baskerville wrote:
Specifically, QTKit and PDFKit (inside Quartz)--they're separate from the standard AppKit/Foundation frameworks. On second glance, it looks like the wrappers are very easy to generate, especially since I don't think there are any ObjC protocols to wrap.

The fact that I use QTKit and PDFKit brings up another issue--these are only available in Tiger and later, and I doubt you'd want to restrict Panther users from using LilyPond.app. At one point, I had LilyPad working so that those two frameworks were weak-linked, and the app used older classes (NSMovieView, NSImageView, etc.) when launched on a Panther system--the big drawback was that point-and- click didn't work, because NSImageView doesn't know anything about PDF links. Somewhere along the line I broke this and will try to get it fixed soon, certainly before trying to put anything into LilyPond.app.

Have a look at Lilypond.app, which registers itself as a handler for the textedit:// protocol. You could launch Preview on 10.3, and use the same mechanism there.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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